Quick Thoughts: Morality

Quick Thoughts: Morality
Photo by Leon-Pascal Janjic / Unsplash

‌Morality isn't a real or tangible thing; they're just probabilities of behavior by social animals like Humans; in a sense, morals are essentially evolutionary gambling.

Morality is the individual's ability to correctly "bet" on the action with the greatest likelihood of being objectively better for the survival of themselves, their loved ones, their tribe, their nation, and their species.

Morality is an evolutionarily adaptive trait, because for humans cooperation has been an evolutionarily adaptive trait. Morality is a sub-trait to cooperation. All things moral support interpersonal cooperation; all things immoral damage it.

However, non-cooperative actions (known as anti-social behavior in psychological sciences) can sometimes be beneficial to the individual; the cost generally being that if others were to find out about it, the individual would lose other's trust: The individual has shown themselves to be willing to act un-cooperatively, so others will lose confidence and refuse to act cooperatively with them in return, potentially outcasting and isolating that individual.

That's part of the gamble that is morality: deciding whether the perceived benefit of acting immorally/non-cooperatively/anti-socially is greater than and outweighs the cost of potentially being caught and casted out from others around them.

I expand on this topic much further here:

Psychology and Philosophy of Good and Evil
Everything & Nothing - Welcome to the Inside of My Head